Monday, May 12, 2014

Hunting for flies and other shenanigans

Today has been your typical day in the house; me sitting on my rear and the animals doing their typical little animal things.  A rather large housefly got inside during one of my forays out with the dogs, so Pebbles and Annabelle took it upon themselves to try and catch it.
Pebbles almost had it at one point, which is saying a lot considering he can't see.  Eventually Annabelle got bored and began nagging me for some real food.
"Noms NOW, Mommy!!!"

Pebbles got momentarily distracted by the noise the camera made...
...but he resumed his vigil like nothing had happened.
"Come closer, tiny buzzing insect!"

Annabelle gave up on her quest for food and decided to aid Pablo with his grooming (Pablo is on the left, and Annabelle is on the right).
"Love bites!"

My cats never fail to amuse me, even when they're doing everyday things!  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cuteness times two

Annabelle's favorite thing to do is romp around the house, but today she's following in the footsteps of her buddy Pablo.
Pablo (left) and Annabelle

Sweet dreams, sweeties!